Wild Earth Gardens & Herbals
Website: RealEarthyOrganics.webs.com
Certified Naturally Grown (more info)
This grower has a photo album.
We are Wild and Free! Dancing with the The the rhythms of the Earth ! We live in the woods with a small area cleared for garden, orchard, flowers, chickens, ducks, bees, and our guardian dog with his side kick cats. We grow food we love to eat! Mostly heirlooms because I love to keep the seeds and share them!
The Wild Side of us is Hiking through the woods and harvesting the Wild Food (Chanterelles Mushrooms) and herbs that God has provided. Oh JOY! I have been wild crafting for a long time. Started in Portland, Oregon (I’m from there) hunting the edible weeds.
As an Herbalist you can expect Wild Food and Medicine to be Reverently Harvested and Lovingly made into products to keep you clean and healthy. God gives us all the plants and herbs to heal and be happy!
The BEES are an added Delight! Totally RAW! I work in concert with my neighbor who is a third generation Bee Keeper. This Honey is unique. I am so Thankful for these bees and my lovely neighbors!
I am creating a honey bee sanctuary with some natural hives for them to just live and pollinate. A few other hives will be more natural for them, and those will be for our honey supply.
It is my greatest JOY to provide really good food for you and your family. We appreciate your support.
Your Lovely Farmer, Herbalist, Wild Crafter
Marantha and her son Eli
864-436-7773 maranthalove@gmail.com