Leah Lake Farm
Website: www.leahlakefarm.com
Certified Naturally Grown (more info)
Leah Lake Farm is a three year old, small, but ever expanding 18 acre Certified Naturally Grown farm of which four acres is in production and two acres are covered by hoop houses. The farm is nestled in the Appalachians at the border of North Carolina and Georgia. Our produce is all grown on hillsides in permanent raised beds using totally organic methods with no chemicals or pesticides. Our main focus is on creating healthy soil. We primarily grow salad crops, including 27 varieties of lettuce. We also grow a variety of kale, chard, and Asian greens as well as carrots, onions, leeks, asparagus, and garlic. Amongst our 14 different varieties of flowers, dahlias and sunflowers are our most sought and recognized. Plant starts from our licensed green house are also very popular, and we sell them to both individuals and nurseries.
Leah Lake Farm is co-operated by Brooks Franklin and Lisa Ezzard, who also grows wine grapes at Tiger Mountain Vineyards. We are both extremely proud of what we sell, and we guarantee your money back for any produce that is not of highest quality. We are honored to be part of the locally grown, healthy food movement. Our produce is sold to individuals through locally grown online markets in Georgia and South Carolina. We also supply local restaurants and public school systems with fresh produce.