Southern Oaks Jerseys Farm & Creamery
Website: southernoaksjerseys@wctel.net
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Southern Oaks Jersey Farm is a small, all-Jersey dairy farm located in rural Abbeville County. We have been in the dairy business for over 20 years and began selling raw milk to consumers in Abbeville and its surrounding areas in January 2011. When the raw milk business took off after only a few months, customers began to inquire about the possibility of turning our quality milk into a pasteurized product. After months of planning and preparing we are happy to inform you that Grade A, Whole Pasteurized milk is now avaiable, along with Chocolate and Buttermilk.
Producer Practices
Our Jersey cows are grass fed, and are supplemented with grain and hay, during winter months to maintain optimal milk production. Our cows are never treated with hormones or steroids. To produce quality milk our cows must receive the best care, therefore we treat them like family.