Miss Bee Haven Honey Bones
Website: www.missbeehavenhoneybones.com
Certified Naturally Grown (more info)
Miss Bee Haven Honey Bones are all natural
dog biscuits made with love by me,
Grandma! They have a touch of honey from
the hives in my backyard in each one and they are " Paw Lickin Good"
No harmful ingredients, organic chicken
broth, organic eggs, and only the best whole wheat and oat meal are used.
Humans can eat them too my husband
L\loves them with butter,
They re $5.00 per bag and you get 7 large bones or 14 medium bones.
TEAONIC What’s that you say? It’s an all natural tea/tonic for your dogs. The one I have currently is made with Camomile, lemon peal and my local honey. It calms their nervs when it thunderstorms outside or if there are fireworks booming in the night, or if they have to go to the vet, just give them a little of this tonic in their water or on their food and it will calm them down naturally.
$5.00 per bottle.